On the TEEđź“Ť: Part 5

Thursday Everyday Evangelism

The Power of Invitation

The Scripture:

Luke 14:23 "Then the master said to the servant, 'Go out into the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in so that my house will be full.'"


The Devotional:

Have you ever been to a party or event where you felt like an outsider? Maybe you didn't know anyone, or you felt out of place. Well, let me tell you, that's how a lot of folks feel when it comes to church and the Christian community. They're standing on the outside, unsure of how to get in or if they even belong. We've got a standing invitation from the Master Himself to go out and compel people to come in. That's right, y'all – we're called to be the welcoming committee, extending a warm invitation to those who might feel like outsiders.


You might be thinking – “I don't want to come across as pushy or overbearing." And you're right, we don't want to be those kinds of folks. But a genuine, heartfelt invitation can go a long way.


The Point to Ponder:

It's about letting people know that they're welcome, that they have a place at the table, and that we want them to experience the love and community we've found in Christ.

“Invite someone to church or a church event this week. It could be a friend, a coworker, or even a stranger you meet. Let them know they’re welcome and that you’d love for them to join you.”
— The Dare

The Reflection:

When was the last time you felt like an outsider, and how did it feel when someone extended a warm invitation to you?


I Dare You


In Case You Missed It